Support the North Shore’s
Premiere Technical & Agricultural School
The Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical Foundation was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity to support and enhance the programs, scholarships, knowledge and mission of Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical High School
Our goal is to introduce the community, trades, business, and technology industries to our school district. With this collaboration of ideas, partnerships and financial support, our 24 career technical programs of study will be the conduit of the graduates into the careers needed to build the region up as the leading area of skills and technology in the nation.
We are the resource for the skilled labor sought after for the future. With the resources from donations, entrustments, and collaborations – we can produce the best results possible for our students and the communities that they live and work in.
Annual Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical Foundation Golf Tournament
- Ferncroft Country Club (map)
The Essex North Shore Agricultural Technical Foundation, Inc. Golf Tournament is a fundraiser that benefits the student activities and student scholarship funds at Essex North Shore Agricultural Technical High School.